Latest MINA Releases
Apache MINA 2.0.27 stable (Java 8+)
- .tar.gz archive mina-2.0.27 (signatures : SHA256 SHA512 ASC)
- .tar.bz2 archive mina-2.0.27 (signatures : SHA256 SHA512 ASC)
- .zip archive mina-2.0.27 (signatures : SHA256 SHA512 ASC)
- .src.tar.gz archive mina-2.0.27 (signatures : SHA256 SHA512 ASC)
- .src.tar.bz2 archive mina-2.0.27 (signatures : SHA256 SHA512 ASC)
- archive mina-2.0.27 (signatures : SHA256 SHA512 ASC)
Verify the integrity of the files
The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the KEYS as well as the asc signature file for the relevant distribution. Then verify the signatures using:
$ pgpk -a KEYS
$ pgpv mina-2.0.27.tar.gz.asc
$ pgp -ka KEYS
$ pgp mina-2.0.27.tar.gz.asc
$ gpg --import KEYS
$ gpg --verify mina-2.0.27.tar.gz.asc
Alternatively, you can verify the checksums of the files (see the How to verify downloaded files page).
Previous Releases
The previous releases can be found here and here. Please note that the following releases contains a LGPL licensed file, rxtx-2.1.7.jar: 2.0.0-M4, 2.0.0-M5, 2.0.0-M6, 2.0.0-RC1.
Version Numbering Scheme
The version number of MINA has the following form:
This scheme has three number components:
- The major number increases when there are incompatible changes in the API.
- The minor number increases when a new feature is introduced.
- The micro number increases when a bug or a trivial change is made.
and an optional label that indicates the maturity of a release:
- M (Milestone) means the feature set can change at any time in the next milestone releases. The last milestone release becomes the first release candidate after a vote.
- RC (Release Candidate) means the feature set is frozen and the next RC releases will focus on fixing problems unless there is a serious flaw in design. The last release candidate becomes the first GA release after a vote.
- No label implies GA (General Availability), which means the release is stable enough and therefore ready for production environment.
MINA is not a stand-alone software, so ‘the feature set’ here also includes the API of the newly introduced features and the overall architecture of the software,
Here’s an example that illustrates how MINA version number increases:
Please note that we always specify the micro number, even if it’s zero.