Database user manager

You can store user user information in a database. JDBC is used to access the database. This user manager has been tested using MySQL, HSQLDB and FireBird database. All the user information is stored in FTP_USER table. An example DDL file for the database is provided in <INSTALL_DIR>/res/ftp-db.sql.

Database JDBC libraries

You must include the required JAR files for your database in the classpath of FtpServer. Typically you would do this by placing the JAR files in <INSTALL_DIR>/common/lib.


<db-user-manager encrypt-passwords="salted">
        <beans:bean class="some.datasoure.class" />
    <insert-user>INSERT INTO FTP_USER (userid, userpassword,
        homedirectory, enableflag, writepermission, idletime, uploadrate,
        downloadrate) VALUES ('{userid}', '{userpassword}', '{homedirectory}',
        '{enableflag}', '{writepermission}', {idletime}, {uploadrate},
        WHERE userid='{userid}'
        DELETE FROM FTP_USER WHERE userid = '{userid}'
        SELECT userid, userpassword, homedirectory,
            enableflag, writepermission, idletime, uploadrate, downloadrate 
        FROM FTP_USER 
        WHERE userid = '{userid}'
        SELECT userid FROM FTP_USER ORDER BY userid
        SELECT userid 
        FROM FTP_USER 
        WHERE userid='{userid}' AND userid='admin'
    <authenticate>SELECT userpassword from FTP_USER WHERE userid='{userid}'</authenticate>

Configuration Parameters

db-user-manager element

Attribute Description Required Default value
encrypt-passwords It indicates how to stored password are encrypted. Possible values are “clear” for clear text, “md5” for hashed using MD5 or “salted” for hashed salted passwords (including multiple hash iterations). “salted” is encouraged. No md5
Child element Description Required Default value
data-source The data source configured using the regular Spring bean element Yes  
insert-user The SQL statement to insert a new user. All the dynamic values will be replaced during runtime. Yes  
update-user The SQL statement to update a user. All the dynamic values will be replaced during runtime. Yes  
delete-user The SQL statement to delete a user. All the dynamic values will be replaced during runtime. Yes  
select-user The SQL statement to select a user. All the dynamic values will be replaced during runtime. Yes  
select-all-users The SQL statement to select all users. All the dynamic values will be replaced during runtime. Yes  
is-admin The SQL statement to find whether an user is admin or not. All the dynamic values will be replaced during runtime. Yes  
authenticate The SQL statement to authenticate a user. All the dynamic values will be replaced during runtime. Yes  

Data source configuration

The data source must be configured as described by the database provider. You can also use the general purpose BasicDataSource provided by the Apache Commons DBCP project.

Example using the BasicDataSource to connect to MySQL

    <beans:bean class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
        <beans:property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
        <beans:property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/ftpd" />
        <beans:property name="username" value="myuser" />
              <beans:property name="password" value="secret" />

FTP_USER Table Structure

Column Type Default value
userid VARCHAR(64), Primary key  
userpassword VARCHAR(64)  
homedirectory VARCHAR(128)  
enableflag BOOLEAN TRUE
writepermission BOOLEAN FALSE
idletime INT 0
uploadrate INT 0
downloadrate INT 0
maxloginnumber INT 0
maxloginperip INT 0